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XVIII Roma Women Students gathering of Catalonia


On November 30, 2019 took place the XVIII Roma Women Students Gathering of Catalonia, This year, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of the organization, it has been celebrated in a special way.

The Gathering was held in the Paranimf Hall of the historical building of the University of Barcelona, a very special and emblematic hall that was also Roma during that day.

More than 300 Roma women from different parts of Catalonia, neighborhoods and cities participated, such as Font de la Pólvora, Figueres, Girona, Tortosa, Amposta, Reus, Tarragona, Camp-clar, Barcelona, Sant Adrià de Besós, San Roc, Hospitalet de Llobregat, El Prat, Badalona, etc. They met with the aim of sharing and reflecting on the educational improvements that will contribute to the educational success of our community.

The day began with the inaugural round table, with the presence of Ms. Ana Contreras, president of Drom Kotar Mestipen, Dr. Mercè Puig, Vice Rector of Students and Language Policy of the University of Barcelona, and Mr. Ramon Vilchez, head for the Program of the Integral Plan for the Roma People of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Dr. Jesús María Prujà, Head of the Office of Access to the University of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and Ms. Ana Lebrón, President of the Federation of Cultural and Educational Associations of Adults (FACEPA).

Ramón Vilchez, responsible for the Program of the Integral Plan for the Roma People of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Dr. Jesús María Prujà, Head of the Office of Access to the University of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and Ms. Ana Lebrón, President of the Federation of Cultural and Educational Associations of Adults (FACEPA).

Followed by the conference “Educational advances for the Roma woman” by Dr. Jelen Amador and the panel of speakers with the participation of Ms. Raquel Sánchez, Medical Student at the University of Pompeu Fabra, Ms. Amparo Santiago Luque, Psychology Student at the University of Barcelona, Ms. Manuela Cortés Fernández, Mare de la Salamanca and Ms. Manuela Cortés Fernández, Mare de la Salamanca and Ms. Amparo Santiago Luque, Psychology Student at the University of Barcelona. Manuela Cortés Fernández, Mother and daughter, with a degree of access to the University for people over 45 years old, Mrs. Sara Santiago Sánchez, Student of Nursing at the University of Barcelona, Mrs. Cidipe de Sa Cuaresma, Mother and daughter, working and in the process of literacy and Mrs. María Cortés, Graduate in Pedagogy at the University of Barcelona.

All of them explained their experiences in the educational path, motivating and encouraging the youngest and all women to achieve their goals, fulfill their dreams and together continue to overcome the barriers that we can find along the educational path.

Afterwards, the working groups were held, where the participants were able to contribute their reflections, improvement actions, experience and the will to continue building a successful educational path for our town.

To conclude the day, the conclusions of each of the working groups were shared and we had the performance of the singer Montse Cortés.



El Diario Feminista
“Las mujeres gitanas queremos que los profesionales no decidan por nosotras”

Catalunya Ràdio
“Jelen Amador, doctora en Sociologia: “La universitat no m’ha fet menys gitana i tinc més eines per defensar la comunitat”



Catalunya Informació

El diari digital de l’acció social a Catalunya:
“La universitat no m’ha fet menys gitana i tinc més eines per defensar la comunitat”
Alumnes gitanes animen a estudiar per “trencar barreres” i construir un sistema educatiu “més plural”

Museu virtual del poble gitano
Las mujeres gitanas hacen suya la Universidad de Barcelona por una tarde con la voluntad de que sea para siempre.